DIY Snowflake | Easy Christmas Ornament

diy snowflakeToday I want to share with you how to make this DIY snowflake out of hot glue. It’s so easy to make one, and it looks pretty on the Christmas tree.

Want to make a DIY snowflake like this? Watch my tutorial video below:

Here is what you’re going to need.

  • glue gun
  • glue sticks
  • baking paper
  • scissors
  • scotch tape
  • fishing line or some kind of thread

The first thing you have to do is to print out a snowflake template. I printed mine from Google images. There are so many to choose, or you can draw your custom design.

Start by laying the paper on a surface, cut a piece of baking paper and place it on top. Use some scotch tape to keep the baking paper in place.

diy snowflake

Now you see that the snowflake is appearing completely and it’s very easy to trace the layout with your glue gun.

Keep on to that pace and try to stick to the lines as much as possible.

diy snowflake

When you’re done cut a piece of thread (I cut a piece of fishing line) and then glue it on.

Leave it to dry for a while and when it’s ready, peel it off.

diy snowflake

Use your scissors to tidy up any edges and with your fingertips pull off any strings of hot glue.

diy snowflake

After that lay your snowflake on a piece of baking paper and with a paintbrush and some white glue spread the glue all over to the snowflake.

diy snowflake

Next, pour some glitter on top. Well, there are so many ways to customize a snowflake. You can use glitter,  you can use hot glitter glue, you can glue on beads or crystal beads. Anyways, there are plenty.

diy snowflake

Now, when it’s all dried take it off the paper, and you’re done!

diy snowflake

I love love love how it turned out, so I made a bunch of them.

diy snowflake

I used different designs and some iridescent glitter on top. I got so carried away I couldn’t stop!

diy snowflake

diy snowflake

diy snowflake

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